Sunday 26 May 2013

There are eight word classes that are also called parts of speech. Every word in English language belongs to one or more word class. Word classes help us to understand how words are used in sentences.

Let’s learn in brief about each word class.

1- Noun 

Nouns are names of every thing that could be persons, places, or things etc.

Underlined words are nouns.

  • Saifullah (person) is a boy.
  • She works in a bank (place). 
  • He gave some flower (thing) to his wife. 

2- Pronoun

Pronouns are substitutes for nouns. 

Underlined word is a pronoun 

  • She bought a present. 
  • She gave it (is a substitute for present) to her friend on her birthday. 

3- Determiners  

Articles, demonstratives, possessive determiners and quantifiers these are all determiners. Determiners are used to modify nouns.

Underlined words are determiners 

  • This (is a demonstrative) book is mine. 
  • She has an (is an article) important conference.
  • There is some (is a quantifier) water in the glass. 


Adjectives modify or describe a noun or pronoun. It is often followed by a noun. When it is followed by a verb “be”, it can describe both a noun and a pronoun.

Underlined words are adjectives.

  • She is shy (shy is an adjective that has been followed by a verb “Be” is).
  • This red shirt is mine (red is an adjective that has been followed by a noun “shirt”).
  • Milk makes us healthy and strong (it is also used with “make” and other state verbs such as seem, get and look etc.).

5- Verb 

Verbs show action or state of being. 

Underlined words are verbs 

  • She looks (a state verb) beautiful today.
  • He often jogs (an action verb) in the street. 
  • The camera is (a state verb) very expensive.

6- Adverb 

Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, and whole sentences.

Underline words are adverbs 

  • The cat was eating hungrily (is modifying verb “eat”).
  • This car seems very expensive (is modifying adjective “expensive”).
  • She runs very fast (is modifying adverb “fast”).
  • Unfortunately, I won’t go with you (is modifying whole sentence).


Conjunction connects words, phrases, or clauses etc. The main conjunctions are coordinating conjunction and subordinating conjunction. For, and, nor, or, yet, and so are all coordination conjunctions.  Although, because, since, unless and many others are used as subordinating conjunctions.

Underlined words are conjunctions

  • She has a cat and (coordinating conjunction) dog.
  • You can choose either red shirt or (coordination conjunction) blue.
  • She walked to school yesterday, because (subordinating conjunction) she missed the bus.


Prepositions help to show location, time, and contextual relationships. 

Underlined words are prepositions.

  • The clock is on the wall. 
  • She stayed in his room.
  • They play football on Friday.

9-Interjection (exclamation)

Interjections show sudden or strong emotion.

Underlined words are interjections.

  • Wow! This cake seems delicious.
  • Oops! I nearly tripped. 

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